How to use Artificial Intelligence to prevent student dropout [Portuguese]
Wednesday, September 14, 2022, On-Demand
This session will address how education administrators are doing to prevent their students from dropping out through the use of the most modern trends in Artificial Intelligence (AI) added to Canvas LMS.

André Siqueira
Distance Learning Manager, Faculdade Método de São Paulo - Brazil

André Siqueira
Gerente de Educación a Distancia (EAD), Faculdad de Método de São Paulo - Brasil

André Siqueira
Gerente EAD, Faculdade Método de São Paulo - Brasil
Higher Education, Finding or Creating Engaging Content, Differentiated Learning, Innovation in Teaching & Learning, Online and Blended Learning, Collaborative Learning,
Canvas LMS,
Beginner, Intermediate, Expert,
Canvas LMS,
Beginner, Intermediate, Expert,